Bachelor's From Our Students
"I would recommend Northeastern because it's definitely going to make you more marketable in the world." — Carlos Quintanilla, Current Student
"I would recommend Northeastern because it's definitely going to make you more marketable in the world." — Carlos Quintanilla, Current Student
"Whether you're interested in corporate communication or digital marketing, our program provides abundant and unique learning experiences, both in and out of the classroom!" — Julie Baker, MFA, MEd, Lead Faculty Member
The Advertising or Marketing Manager median pay in May 2018 was $134,290, which is much higher than the average of all other occupations. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
A bachelor's degree is worth $2.8M over an employee's lifetime (Center on Education and the Workforce, 2011).
"Northeastern encourages you to channel your academic productivity into your real-world work experiences. For me, that meant serving in the Department of Veteran’s Services, where I was allowed to develop my own ideas and find solutions to complex problems. I learned that nothing is insurmountable—you just have to be willing to speak your mind and be creative, especially in a team-based environment." — Ryan Daley, Alumni, Army Veteran
“Our program opens doors to many opportunities. Students, who come from all walks of life, truly benefit from Northeastern’s global network and experiential learning as they chart their personal and professional courses.” — Philip D’Agati, PhD, Lead Faculty Member
The median annual wage for public relations specialists in May 2018 was $60,000, which is much higher than the average of all other occupations. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
"I would recommend Northeastern because it’s definitely going to make you more marketable in the world." — Carlos Quintanilla, Current Student
“We prepare students to be the best managers they can be in today’s, and tomorrow’s, businesses. That’s why we focus on innovative hands-on learning of business and management dynamics, creativity, and leadership.” — Francesca Grippa, PhD, MBA, Lead Faculty Member
The median salary for management positions is $98,560 — the highest of all major occupation groups.